Custom Sales Kit: Saw Blade
Can you make this?
This is a question we receive almost every day. A quick description usually including either an unusual size requirement, custom decoration technique, or the need to hold a bunch of different products follows and we always say yes. We love a challenge and we love being able to make your project come to life.
This is exactly what happened when this customer called us. We’d done a box previously for their salespeople so they knew they could count on us to come up with a box design that would sell their product. Ideas were tossed back and forth and we decided on creating a box with a bit of elevation to allow the saw blade to be seen and handled with ease. As a final touch we created a small foam plug, in a shape to replicate the diamond knockout in the center of the blade, that would act as a way to keep the saw securely in place but also allow you to pick it up without touching the edges. This box is a great example of our many capabilities being brought together such as digital printing on a custom material, digital cutting, riveting, water jet foam cutting, and v-grooving!